W.R. Meadows MEL-DEK™ Deck Waterproofing System
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W.R Meadows Mel Dek waterproofing was specified for use to protect the rehabilitated concrete deck surface.
MEL-DEK waterproofing system provides an excellent waterproofing membrane for bridges, parking decks or other vehicular traffic structures to be overlaid with an asphalt concrete wearing course.
MEL-DEK is ideal for repair, maintenance, or new construction applications.
- Requires no protection … can withstand the dynamic placement of hot asphalt overlays.
- Provides 3/4″ membrane-to-membrane weld at seams for positive, monolithic protection.
- Flexible, dependable, cost-effective, easy to install.
- Meets a wide range of maintenance and new construction application needs.
For more information: https://www.wrmeadows.com/mel-dek-deck-waterproofing-system/