Irving Tissue – PNA PD3 Tapered Dowel Plate Baskets
The owner and designer on this project were concerned with cracking and long term performance of their slab. This is the reason that 10 Mil underslab vapour barrier and PNA Tapered Plate Baskets were used on this 100,000 sqft addition to Irving Tissue.
You will notice in the pictures that there is no reinforcing at all in the slab panels themselves. The only reinforcing used is at the control joint saw-cuts. This saved the contractor time on installation of rebar and / or wire mesh. Each 9000 sqft panel was laid out and poured in an afternoon.
Project Details
Project Name – Irving Tissue
Location – Moncton, NB
Contractor – Foulem Construction
Owner – Irving Tissue
Structural Designer – Giffen Engineering
Material Used –
W.R. Meadows Perminator 10 Mil Underslab VB
W.R. Meadows Liqui-hard Ultra Liquid Densifier
PNA Diamond Dowels
PNA PD3 Tapered Dowel Plate Basket Assemblies

Things to consider when designing a high performance, quality, long term concrete slab on grade. The PNA system can:
* Limit differential deflection across joints to minimize joint spalling
* Allows the slab to move horizontally in both directions
* Minimizes restraint due to horizontal shrinkage
*Provides an increased bearing area at the joints, reducing bearing stress
* Is a more efficient use of steel when used in the “strategic reinforcement” design
* Provides an eight or four inch saw-cut construction tolerance
* Is the only proven tapered plate dowel for saw-cut joints
* Provides immediate vertical load transfer with a thinly and evenly factory applied de-bonding agent