Hilton Hotel – W.R. Meadows Mel-Rol LM Waterproofing System
The project owner and design team had approached us to provide a Waterproofing Solution that could be installed on green concrete to help speed up the foundations and civil construction on the site. We proposed the W.R Meadows Mel-Rol LM Waterproofing System to be installed by one of our Certified and Approved Applicators.
MEL-ROL LM is a single-component, polymer modified, cold-applied, water-based, liquid waterproofing membrane ideal for below-grade vertical seamless waterproofing applications.
Trenchless Solutions were able to clean, prep, spray and insulate the foundations in a matter of a couple days. The benefit to the owner was a quick turnaround on the foundations and the ability to back-fill the site right away thus giving him the ability to increase production and space onsite for all trades.
The second part of this project was to supply Vapour Barriers under the slabs of the entire hotel. We chose to use the W.R Meadows Perminator 10 Underslab Vapour Barrier system. It was chosen as an alternative to 6 mil ultra poly for its durability and performance.

Long term performance and durability were the deciding factors when choosing systems, products, and contractors on this project and we were happy to be a part of it.
Project Details
Project Name – Hilton Hotel
Location – Moncton, NB
Contractors –
RJD Concrete Forming
Ivanco Concrete Finishing
Trenchless Solutions Waterproofing
Materials Used –
W.R. Meadows Mel-Rol LM Waterproofing System
W.R. Meadows 10Mil Underslab Vapour Barrier